About The Project

The Shankill Great War Project researches, archives and displays information and items relating to members of the Greater Shankill community who served King and Country during the Great War period. We have gathered information from libraries, national archives, census documents, newspapers, academics and the public. We share our data through a bespoke crowdsourcing website, which continues to grow as more information is generated.

The main aim of our project is to keep the memory of the brave men and women from our community alive. Community crowdsourcing is a valuable means of achieving our aim, whilst also allowing us to see how the legacy of the First World War affected our community in the past and how it continues to do so in the present.

S.A.S.H. - ShankillHistory

For more information on Shankill Area Social History, please visit ShankillHistory.com


We are indebted to the National Lottery Heritage Fund, who generously funded our S.A.S.H Great War Project. This resource would not be possible without the dedicated research of John Dougan, who gathered all the information on this site from countless visits to libraries and archives, and wrote the biographies of the many soldiers who left the Shankill to fight in the war.

S.A.S.H. would like to thank Professor Richard Grayson of Goldsmiths, University of London, who has given many valuable hours over a number of years, and without whom we could not have achieved this outcome. We are delighted to have our data featured on Professor Grayson’s Geography of Service and Death Map, which highlights the numerous UVF members from East and West Belfast who fought and served during the war, 1913-1918.  We would additionally like to thank Jason Burke of the East Belfast and the Great War project for contributing his data to this brilliant digital map, available here on this site.

To the S.A.S.H membership, led by John Dougan and Bill Henry, who have helped and supported each other throughout this project, be it through researching, compiling of materials, writing up biographies, or simple encouragement, thank you to each member.

We would especially like to thank the dedicated teams at the Living Legacies 1914-18 WW1 Engagement Centre and the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis at Queen’s University Belfast who brought this project to life and to make what we within S.A.S.H. thought impossible, in fact possible!  Thanks go to Dr Sophie Long for her initial help in securing the scope and funding for this project. We are also enormously grateful for the help and support of Elaine Reid, and for Dr Rachel Tracey, Anthony Anderson and Dr Heather Montgomery who advised on and collated the valuable research undertaken throughout the life of this project, and who liaised with the design team to create this user-friendly platform.

Very special thanks must go to John Francis Murphy and David Hardy who designed and created this bespoke digital platform and crowdsourcing website that will showcase the contributions the people of the Shankill played in the war effort. 

S.A.S.H are proud of this bespoke Shankill Great War Project Crowdsourcing Website and the working relationships we have made throughout the process of building it.

Thank you to all involved.

Shankill Area Social History

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